Top 10 Creative Minecraft Floor Designs

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Minecraft floor designs can be a thing of complexity or simplicity—it’s all up to you. They can transform a room if done right. Want to make a bold statement? Go for a bright, elaborate design. Want a subtle change in your room? Go for a simple wooden floor.

There is never a shortage of floor designs.

However, if you’re looking for Minecraft floor designs on the internet, you know you’re too far down the well. You’re also at the most fun parts, so why dig your way out now? Just know that if you’re looking for Minecraft floor plans, you’ve come to the right place.

Maybe you can find what you’re looking for on our list, maybe not. If you don’t, you can at least get those creative juices flowing. Regardless, here are our highly recommended Minecraft floor designs to get you started.

What Are the Different Types of Minecraft Floor Designs?

There is an infinite number of floor types. But, don’t worry because we have made things easy for you. We’ve separated them into categories of patterns and materials.

Wood, wool, stone and blocks comprise the materials category, while checkers, stripes, squares, etc. make up the patterns category. In the realm of Minecraft floor designs, you can create it if you think of it.

How Are These Floor Designs Created?

Getting the materials is the first step and often the hardest step. Planning your approach beforehand leads to success. Maybe make a blueprint before getting started.

It can be a great time saver when you’re actually laying the floor.

Are There Universal or Room-Specific Minecraft Floor Designs?

A universal floor design is something that can work in every room. Room-specific designs may only compliment certain room types. Try to imagine black-and-white tiles in a living room.

Not the greatest fit, right? But they work well in a kitchen. See what we mean?

How Do You Design a Room around a Specific Floor Pattern?

Once you know what kind of floor design you want, make sure you have enough space for it. Depending on complexity, like with glazed terracotta, the floor might be the centerpiece.

Once you figure out the floor and room, plan accordingly.

How We Reviewed

We rated our selection of designs according to style. While some of these Minecraft floor designs are simple and well-known, we’ve added some new ideas to the mix to help inspire you. We encourage experimenting to find new designs.

Overall Price Range of This Product (and Similar Products)

All the Minecraft floor designs are free, except the materials in Minecraft that are used to make them. You can find more plans elsewhere online.

What We Reviewed

  • Iron and pine leaves
  • Differently oriented wood logs
  • Carpet design
  • Black wool and stone slabs
  • Eroding floor
  • End stone and nether brick
  • Glazed terracotta
  • Blue, lime and yellow wool or concrete
  • Symmetrical pattern
  • Cyan, green and light blue wool or concrete

1. Iron and Pine Leaves


While this floor design is pretty simple, the items used in the design are anything but. Most people probably wouldn’t consider putting iron blocks and pine leaves together to make a flooring. 

Honestly though the result doesn’t look that bad; however, there are better options out there. For instance, you need nine iron ingots for each block and have to shear trees for the leaves.

READ  How To Make A Cobblestone Generator In Minecraft

This is a plan that is a lot easier to do in creative mode, but still might be a little jarring to see for players. This floor can certainly get you noticed.


  • Very different from most floor plans
  • Eye-catching
  • Provides a whole new atmosphere


  • Is expensive and tedious to make
  • Maybe a little too eye-catching

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

This design would look good in a kitchen or other rooms with bright or contrasting tiles.

2. Differently Oriented Wood Logs

Building With STRIPPED LOGS! | Tips Tricks and Ideas for the New Wood Blocks


This design is as old as Minecraft itself. It was created accidentally, but the design caught on and grew in popularity. Depending on how you place a log down, you can either get the center or the bark. The bark can even be directed north to south or east to west, depending on the grain.

Now, you can either put these in a pattern with the center of the logs and the bark, or orient the bark differently every time. There are different possibilities when it comes to this design, ones that allow you to be daring.

You don’t always have to do a checkered pattern. It’s also cheap, even if you aren’t using planks.


  • Cheap to find and make
  • Very easy to put down while allowing for creativity
  • Every room can have the same materials with different patterns, allowing for originality


  • Wooden planks are cheaper and still look good with logs
  • Not a good idea if you’re a fan of color

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

This flooring is good in almost any room where a fire isn’t present. However, it doesn’t have a very soft feel to it, so it may not be appropriate for living rooms or bedrooms.

It works great for basic passages though.

3. Carpet Designs

What Does CARPET Do In Minecraft


Much like the wood logs, you can do a lot with the carpets. Now that we have a ton of different colors to choose from since the World of Color update, the number of combinations is limitless.

Beyond the colors themselves, are the patterns you can make with them. Checkers are fine, but consider squares, shapes, stripes, etc.

Combining carpet with other blocks such as stairs allows for even more ideas and patterns.


  • The carpets concepts are endless
  • Makes the room looks soft and inviting


  • Carpet and wool blocks can be a bit expensive without sheep around in survival mode
  • The dyes for the carpet can be more expensive than wool in some cases
  • Carpet is a bit obvious for Minecraft floor designs

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

This flooring goes well in living rooms, bedrooms, etc.

4. Black Wool and Stone Slabs



Using black wool and stone slabs is an old school black-and-white checkered pattern. However, it’s still great to use as it’s more muted and varied than, say, carpet or concrete. Stone is even pretty cheap if you know how to make it.

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In case you don’t, here’s how: pop all the cobblestone you’ve gathered into the furnace for a second or two. Black wool can be a little difficult to find, assuming you don’t have a black sheep nearby. if you don’t, get the wool and dye it using squid ink.

Regardless of how you get your black wool, this pattern still looks great for everyday use.


  • Black Wool and Stone Slabs
  • Isn’t overly expensive to create


  • You can get a better contrast with concrete blocks
  • Squid ink and wool might be difficult to find depending on your spawn point in survival mode

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

Kitchens always look great with this pattern.

5. Eroding Floor


If you’re looking for an older look, this is the floor for you. Eroded Minecraft floor designs can have quite the effect on the mood of a room. This design calls for diorite and andesite blocks. Although, you can achieve the same effect with gravel and cobblestone (which are much cheaper).

You place the blocks in a random pattern that resembles a once polished and nice-looking checkered design.


  • Very cheap and easy to make
  • The random placement doesn’t need advanced planning


  • Doesn’t look fabulous but doesn’t really need to
  • Not great for rooms that are meant to have a refined look

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

Basements, dungeons or anything resembling a workspace looks great with this type of flooring.

6. End Stone and Nether brick

Building - Nether brick and endstone - Rainbow55


Even though this flooring has been used a little too much, it is still a great old standby. After all, the deep purple of the nether brick and off-white of the end stone does contrast well together. The problem is finding these items.

Nether bricks are only in nether fortresses, which you find in the Nether. You can only get to the Nether with nine obsidian blocks, which you mine with a diamond pickaxe.

Such a pickaxe is made only from three diamonds. If that’s too hard, don’t even think about getting end stone. But the pattern does look cool.


  • Very different and pleasing to the eye
  • Great if you want to show off a little


  • Extremely hard to get in survivor mode
  • Doesn’t look that great if you consider the cost

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

This flooring looks great in main rooms and foyers to show off your skills. Otherwise, it work nicely in kitchens or similar rooms.

7. Glazed Terracotta

Minecraft 1.12 | How To: Craft Glazed Terracotta Blocks!


Glazed terracotta is the mother of all design blocks. They’re easy to make and a lot of fun to use. Depending on the orientation in which you place down the blocks, you can get a different design every time. With so many colors and designs to choose from, you’re going to be busy inventing your own patterns.

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Thankfully, there’s a large selection of patterns online to find and use. No matter what the room, there’s probably a terracotta pattern for it. If you are looking for something more subtle, this probably isn’t the block for you.


  • Very easy to make
  • Beautiful designs and colors are available


  • Can be a bit of a headache even for more experienced builders
  • Doesn’t look great in every environment

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

If you’re building a grand structure such as a castle, glazed terracotta is a must. You can even make beautiful, fake stained glass windows and other designs with this flooring.

8. Blue, Lime and Yellow Wool or Concrete

Minecraft 1.12 | How To: Craft Concrete & Concrete Powder Blocks!


With all the new colors now available, you might be at a loss of what goes well together. Picking three colors can make for new patterns rather than boring checkers. Blue, lime and yellow are all close enough on the color wheel to match while still contrasting pleasantly with one another.

This combination creates a fund design. Yellow dye is from flowers, blue is from lapis lazuli, and lime green is from cactus, bones or a sea pickle. The dyes might be a little difficult to make, but the design looks very nice.


  • Something a little different from typical patterns
  • Allows you to make wider patterns and floors


  • The dyes and wool might be a little hard to find
  • Carpet and concrete is a little basic

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

This type of flooring looks great in rooms that have a view of outside (e.g., foyers).

9. Symmetrical Pattern

How to Build AWESOME Floors - Minecraft 1.14+ Building Tutorial


Using symmetry is all part of these floor plans, from the first to the last. In this case, it might be prudent to focus a little more on wooden planks. Since different types of wood offer different colored planks of various shades of brown, you can mix and match to make different designs for each one.


  • Super cheap to make and use
  • You can make tons of patterns with wood planks


  • Some planks are more rare than others
  • Using only wood planks is, again, a little basic

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

This flooring can look great in a starter home or a place that isn’t used a great deal. It also works well in any room.

10. Cyan, Green and Light Blue Wool or Concrete

All the Dyes in Minecraft: How to Find All Dye Colours | Minecraft Java and Bedrock (Avomance 2019)


This combination of wool allows for a more muted theme with some nice, warm vibes. Green is from cactus, cyan is from lapis lazuli and cactus, and light blue is from bones and lapis lazuli or flowers. So lots of lapis, which can be easy to come by if you know where to look.

With these colors, you want to go with a more comfortable theme.


  • Looks nice and inviting even with the cool colors
  • Easier to come by than others


  • A little difficult to make and place
  • Again, carpet and concrete is a little basic

Where to Find

Check Website

Flooring Appropriate for This Type of Room

Bedrooms or anywhere you want a comfortable feel is a great place for this design.

The Verdict

When it comes to Minecraft floor designs, you want to base your design on the room. Do you need something muted or bright? Simple or complex? While they all can be fun to make—just like with building anything in Minecraft—the glazed terracotta wins the flooring competition.

The options are just about endless with this single block. So, whatever flooring you choose, be inventive and make sure you always have fun!

Emily R

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