What Is Minecraft Mending?

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Minecraft is one of the best-selling games of all time, and it’s positioned to become the biggest game in the world. Minecraft has continued to dominate the global gaming market for several reasons, but the biggest might be the developers’ constant need to not only improve on the core game but to also continually add new elements to the world.

There have been a lot of additions over the years, but today we want to talk about a newer magical spell you can cast: the Minecraft mending enchantment.

This is one of the more radical changes to the enchanting system, adding a popular request from fervent players of the game. Today we will look at the finer details you should know before going on your search for this elusive, powerful, and helpful enchantment.

The Basics of Minecraft

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We could be a little sarcastic and just describe Minecraft as “a survival game,” and we wouldn’t be wrong. At the core, this game is most definitely about long-term survival. Sure, there are creative modes and entire communities of people that use it as a Lego-like building kit, but all of that exists as mechanics of the survival mode.

The trick to surviving in Minecraft is realizing there’s more than one way to do it. You start simple, chopping wood and digging dirt, but it’s not long before you’re smelting ore and enchanting weapons.

Before we get to the Minecraft mending enchantment and how it can help your game, we want to talk about some of the basics you need to know. Enchanting is a fairly advanced action in this game, so there are a lot of things you’ll need to do before moving on to using the Minecraft mending enchantment on your tools and weapons.

Work and Survive

You need to eat. You need a place to sleep. You need to be inside at night; otherwise, monsters will kill you. This is a world of death made of cubes, and the fight to survive in the endless expanses is real. If you want to live in this world, you will have to forage and chop and dig and dig and dig and dig.

We’re not kidding, you will do a lot of digging and pickaxing.

This all serves a greater purpose, though, because all of this digging will give you the resources necessary to build the fortress of your dreams. The world only gets more forgiving as you move on because you’re amassing the goods needed to live and to construct the haven needed to keep the monsters away.

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Resources Aplenty

Everything in this world is a resource of some type. The grass can give you seeds. The trees give you apples, sticks, and logs. The ground can give you dirt, sand, gravel, and the ever plentiful cobblestone block. These basic resources will build the base of what can become your home center in the Minecraft empire.

Dig deeper and then you’ll start to find the iron and gold ore deposits that dot the subterranean landscape. Go even deeper, and you will find the rare red stone and Lapiz Lazuli, which is the key ingredient in enchanting your items.

Dig Deep and Dig Big

The deeper you go, and the further you go, the more likely it is you’ll find the rarest of the elements: diamonds. These are not only the base currency of the game, but they are also the base ingredients for the most powerful tools and weapons.

Finding these rare minerals should be one of the big focuses in your early game building. The upside to this long-hour labor is you’ll accumulate a huge amount of blocks to build your fortress, and isn’t that what we all want in the end?

From Farm to Adventure

Even once you’ve built the perfect seaside villa or put together your own working farm, there are still several other things that await you out in the world of Minecraft. Hidden desert temples are out there, waiting for you to dig and plunder their ancient chests.

The dense jungles have temples with emeralds guarded by traps. And even the benign forests have super rare woodland mansions, sprawling buildings with treasures and ghosts inside its halls. There are so many amazing things to find in the world, and setting up the perfect home base is the first step in the adventure.

Once you’ve built your home, accumulated the strongest armor and weapons, and have the will of magic and power on your side, then you can storm the world at large and venture our far and wide in search of rare treasures and hidden ruins.

Minecraft Mending

Minecraft 1.14 Easy Mending Books Tutorial

Minecraft mending is an enchantment you can apply to your tools, armor, and weapons. This enchantment allows you to bypass the standard repair process for items and directly applies earned XP, which replaces the need to use an anvil or enchanting table to repair items.

If you have a favorite weapon or a tool you consider particularly useful, then this enchantment ensures the best life for the item without consuming valuable minerals and other resources.

This is a rare enchantment that requires work to find. If you have more than one item that needs this handy spell, then you will need to spend some considerable time dedicated to finding the right books. Finding the necessary books need not be a chore as long as you know what you’re looking for and how to find it.

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How Can I Get the Mending Enchantment?

Mending is one of the rare enchantments, right up there with silk touch and infinity for bows. Because of this, you will have to spend a good amount of time trying to accumulate the spell books for this meld. Fishing is a time-consuming method, but it’s also reliable on a long timescale.

That’s a great option if you don’t want to work for it but you have all the time in the world. If you’re looking for a faster route to the enchantment, then try finding a village with a librarian. You can trade up a few levels with the librarian, and they will eventually offer you the mending book.

The librarians never really ask for much – sometimes just a bale of hay or two with some leather hides thrown in. Finding a village isn’t necessarily hard in this game, but when you consider that it has to be big enough to have a librarian and that not all big villages have libraries, that makes the trade method less than desirable.

We really can’t say which method takes less time because each game seed has a different configuration. If you are lucky enough to have spawned near a village with a library, then the trade method is preferable. If you’re on an island out in the middle of the sea, then maybe it’s time to fish

What Items Can Be Enchanted?

This is an all-inclusive enchantment, so you can apply mending to nearly everything. This includes the basic tools: the shovel, pickaxe, ax, and the hoe. You can also apply it to shears, fishing rods, the carrot on a stick, as well as on any of your worn armor.

The enchantment will work as long as the item or armor is being worn or currently used.

We want to mention that while the bows can be enchanted with mending, it is a mutually exclusive enchantment with infinity. Being that infinity is a preferred enchantment on any pro bow, you might want to think twice before burning a fished out spell book on your archery setup.

If you really want to have your cake and eat it too, then you can use the command prompts to force both of the enchantments onto the bow. This doesn’t cause any bugs in the game, but it might invalidate your trophies or lock you out of awards from your console.

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Are There Different Levels of This Enchantment?

While most enchantments have different levels, ranging from one to five, the Minecraft mending enchantment has one single level. This means that once applied to a tool, it need not be upgraded or melded with other leveled tools of the same type.

This makes it a lot easier to apply a single spell book to each of your preferred tools, weapons, or armor pieces.

How Does the Minecraft Mending Enchantment Work?

While you have this enchantment applied to an item, be it a tool or weapon, then any XP you earn will go towards repair of the item with the enchantment. Normally the XP would go straight to your level bar and store it there until you spend it at an anvil or enchanting table.

Now, instead of using the applicable minerals to repair the item, the XP directly restores wear and tear out in the field.

Why You Should Use Minecraft Mending

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In a game where resources mean survival, anything you can do to make your rare minerals last is worth whatever effort is necessary. When you enchant things, then a world of repeat resources and plentiful drops becomes a world of magic.

You can have that one special tool, that dream shovel with the silk touch enchantment or a sharp diamond sword; you can ensure they are always maintained first, without having to constantly eat into the mineral blocks you have saved away.

It may be hard to find, but it is worth it. That is especially true for a game that has no real ending. Sure, it can run credits once you find and kill the Ender Dragon, but even after that, someone has to tend to the sheep you dyed red and blue, right?


The Minecraft mending enchantment is one of many great tools to have in your inventory in this game. If you have a special tool or weapon you really want to keep around and in tip-top shape, then you should take the time to find the Minecraft mending enchantment book.

We highly recommend taking the steps we walk through in this article as those steps lead down a proven path to not only finding this rare enchantment but also how to best apply it to your favorite tools or weapons. This is just another great improvement in Minecraft in a long list of recently added features, and it won’t be the last.

As long as people are still playing, the developers of Minecraft will still build.

Emily R

Hello, My name is Emily and I'm the owner of TheL33t.com. This site is dedicated to one thing, answering your questions about specific games and gaming in general. Whether you are a console gamer, a computer gamer, or simply a mobile gamer I hope that you find something on this site that will help you take your gaming to the next level.

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